June 2012 Newsletter

25 Year Anniversary of the RRS

In May we celebrated the event with an afternoon tea and a trip down memory lane. Alan Little QSM and Ash Bell spoke of the original vision for the service, the ingenuity, dedication, and hard work of the few who took the vision to reality towards the efficient and professional service that it is today. The anniversary cake looked stunning with its RRS logo all set in brilliant blue icing (see pictures opposite)!

Board Members

Over the past twelve months we have been introducing you to our Board of Trustees. The two final members to introduce are Steve Jepson and Donna Madgwick.
Steve came to radio reading service in 1989 for 3 weeks to assist with technical matters, and is still here providing  the technical expertise & advice needed to make broadcasting run smoothly. The 3 weeks grew into 23 years!  
Donna is our treasurer. She is the mother of two, lives and works in Levin and is responsible for the RRS finances and financial reports.

Listener base expansion

This continues to be a goal for the Board. We are looking at new ways to make people aware of RRS and making it available to a wider audience with our on-line capacity via the website. Look out for our advertisement in the NZ Listener. We have spoken with groups such as Access Radio, DHB Occupational Therapists, Rest Homes, Age Concern, Senior net. If you know of other groups that would like to hear more about RRS please let us know. With our website we are able to note the numbers of people who access it and are pleased to report that the numbers have increased since the early months. 

Copyright permissions

We are currently updating our files registering permissions we have to broadcast from our various sources, a big task, but essential in today’s world and more so now that we are stream-ing on line via our website.

Important notice

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday 13 th August @ 7.30pm. This meeting is open to all people interested and is a forum where we can discuss any issues you may wish to raise with the Board.

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Added: 31/08/2023
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